All The Things I Eat

Food, Restaurants, and History

Starr Deli Donut

By on Wednesday, May 16th, 2012 at 6:25 am

A european style jelly donut

Donuts are sort of the perfect food: compact, sweet, and cheap.

I had been walking around Greenpoint hoping to find some for rent signs for the perfect apartment, like fate would lead me there. Instead I saw Starr deli.

The donuts lined the window of the shop which was mostly a deli. But I figured, sure, what hell, let’s give it a try. I’d had a lot of luck with random, small bakeries.

This particular jelly donut reminded of of Europe. The dough was denser than most donuts, heavy both in the hand and in the mouth. I felt there was too little jelly. But then again, there was some hint of flavor — lemon, perhaps, though really I’m not sure at all — that hinted to some mythic ideal of Europe.

Starr Deli
207 Starr Street

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