All The Things I Eat

Food, Restaurants, and History

Porchetta Sandwich

By on Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012 at 5:28 am

Porchetta pork sandwich

While long lines at Googa Mooga kept me away from the Porchetta sandwich, it was easy enough to find at Smorgasburg, the weekly Brooklyn food festival along the East River.

One Saturday afternoon, without actually meaning to attend the food fair, I found myself at the East River staring down the fifty or so food venders. Having heard Porchetta raised quite a fuss among the internets, and seeing that the line was non-existent, I bought myself a sandwich.

The full flavor of the pork seeped through the roll, but otherwise the sandwich itself was rather plain. I enjoyed simplicity given the fullness of flavor of the slow roasted pork, but felt some small piece was missing.

Porchetta pork sandwich

North 7th Street

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